Sunday, May 6, 2012

Freshman Year (Insert T-Swift Lyrics)

Well, I'm home for the summer. It's crazy to look back and see how the Lord has moved and provided in my life over this past year at MC. I've faced trials and hardships, but also have seen God move in ways I never expected.  HE IS GOOD.

Here is a photo collection of my year...

Started right away making good friends (Rush Skits)

Camped out to rush Shawreth

Rushed Shawreth (one of the greatest things I've ever done)

Fall Preview Day

Became part of the "McLovin"family

Shawreth Follies (500 Days of Summer)

Shawreth Sweethearts, only the sweetest ladies on campus dance for Follies (look at that pretty cool dude in the back)

Shawreth Informal with Avni Patel

I became a Shawreth and found out who my big was, the incredible Lee McCarty!

Dave Barnes came for Choctaw Fest!

Took a spontaneous trip to Starkville

Swannanoa Informal with Mary Beth Hammack

Got to worship with Hillsong Live at Pinelake

ST Grab-a-Date with Alanna Tedder....Christmastime

McLovin Family Christmas

Carols By Candelight at First Baptist Jackson

Some pretty cool guys came to Memphis over Christmas Break

I got to opportunity to be at Passion 2012-What an incredible experience

Shawreth family trip to Meridian to shoot

Drove to Hattiesburg for the Memphis-SouthernMiss game

Kristian Stanfill came for Mosaic Week

DNOW back home

Shawreth Grab-a-Date with Maegan Easley...PuttPutt

Pretty much all Alanna, Hannah, and I learned in Biology this semester

Zombie Prom with Morgan Gaughf

Shawreth got second place for Derby Week!

Shawreth Formal with Alanna Tedder

We got to choose our baby sweetheart, Anne Marie Parke!

KT Mystery Date....Masquerade

ST Grab-a-Date.....Bowling

ST/KT Crush Party...Rumble in the Jungle!

Micheal Walley spent the semester in London and we welcomed him back!

ST Formal with Alex Windle in NOLA!

My Shawreth Family-We're pretty cool.

Needless to say, I've had an incredible freshman year at MC.  I'm looking forward to a great summer and what the Lord has planned for me.  However, I will be missing the one thing that makes MC the great place that it is, the people. I'll miss my friends. May God teach me so much over this summer like he already has thus far. Soli Deo Gloria.

Some pretty awesome friends...

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