Thursday, March 5, 2015

To those who struggle and doubt

For a while, I expected everything to work out.  I had a plan, and I had ways to carry that plan out.  I expected life to simply work out.  The thing is...Life doesn't work like that.  Life is hard.  Life is ruthless.  Life doesn't play fair.  Life throws curveballs that seem impossible to overcome.  I used to think that if I did what I needed to, everything would work out.  God had a plan for my life, and He would carry it out, right?  I truly believed this.  Then life hit.  Disappointments came and things didn't make sense.  I didn't understand.  I struggled.  I cried out shouts of why.  I was afraid of the future.  I fought with God and with my thoughts.  To state simply, I was a mess.

Then Jesus came right into my mess and healed me.

In the book of Exodus, God reveals his awesome power in the crossing of the Red Sea.  However, before this incredible thing can occur, the Israelites do what they do best: complain.  They look behind to see thousands of Egyptians.  They look forward to see a vast expanse of water.  They expect death.  They, as we all do in our own lives, question why God has allowed this to occur.  At this moment, God gives them an answer that is quoted in Ex 14:14: "The Egyptians you see today, you will never see again.  The Lord will fight for you.  You need only to be still."

You need only to be still.

Christ-follower, let this sink in.  This same majestic, all-powerful, never-changing Creator who defined even the idea of time itself is fighting for you.  He is fighting for your good.  This is a God who is quoted as never leaving sight of us.  He is a jealous God and wants all of us.  He desires our loves, our ambitions, our goals, our everything.  And yet we are told one thing: BE STILL.  Be still and know that He is God, and He will be exalted above the heavens and among the earth (Psa. 41:10).  If this same God is fighting for you, understand that your story is not your own.  You are one brush of paint on the Mona Lisa.  You are one drop of water in Victoria Falls.  You are one piece of a complex watch.  Your story is simply a part of something that much greater.

And this is simply for God's glorification in your justification.

I know what it's like to feel alone.  I know what it's like to put on a nice face when there is turmoil inside.  I know what disappointment feels like.  I know how heavy the weight of doubt can become.  I know what it's like to be in a state of endless waiting.  I know what it's like to feel you have to meet human expectations.  I know how it is when nothing is working out as planned.  I know what it's like to feel like everything is in shambles.  I know how hard it is to trust in a God who seems so far removed. But here's the thing...

Jesus is not far away.

He is right there.

He is watching over and fighting for you.

And He want to meet you EXACTLY where you are.

Christ-follower, let me assure you that you have an incredible story.  This same God created your story and is highly involved in every bit of how that story plays out.  And He isn't afraid to get his hands dirty.  Because that's what He did.  He hung out with the people whose lives were in shambles (see woman at the well), not those who thought they had it all together (see Pharisees).  And that is what he continues to do.  His heart is for the broken.

And He makes broken things beautiful.

Are you facing disappointment?  Are you struggling to make it to your next day?  Do you feel as if God is nowhere near?  God is revealing himself in your struggles.  You are being made more like Him every single day.  Your situation is BEAUTIFUL in His eyes.  Understand this, and bad days will be a little more bearable.  Things may not get better for awhile.  He may still have a little more to take you through.  I know I do.  But my encouragement to you is this:  Rejoice in the position God has placed on your life now.  In the waiting, seek joy.  SEEK HIM.

I've always been fascinated by the idea of water and oceans.  Something seemingly so serene, yet one of the most incredible forces of nature.  So naturally, I love anything that speaks of water.  Recently, I heard the song "You Make Me Brave" by Bethel Music.  It hit me anew and utterly wrecked me.  "You make me brave, you make you brave; you call me out beyond the shore into the waves."  Here I am in a state of unknown, and He is calling me into more unknown.  And it's scary.  And it's beautiful.  And it makes me nervous.  And it makes me excited.

Christ-follower, your Savior is moving in your life.  And He is doing some pretty incredible stuff.  Run hard after Him.  Seek Him with all you are.  In your waiting, seek joy.  Let Him make you brave.  And pass through the shore into the waves.  Because He will meet you there.  And the next part of your story will be that much more beautiful.

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